• Z3M6Ly9pbWcubWVlcGNsb3VkLmNvbS9tZWVwc2hvcC84ZDBhODk3NC01ZDA3LTRhMWUtYTJjMi03MTY0ZDRiY2Q5YmYvZmlsZXMvM2ExNTAzY2UtY2QzYi00NzgzLTk3ODctYTgwYjY0MjQ4NWQ3LnBuZw
  • Z3M6Ly9pbWcubWVlcGNsb3VkLmNvbS9tZWVwc2hvcC84ZDBhODk3NC01ZDA3LTRhMWUtYTJjMi03MTY0ZDRiY2Q5YmYvZmlsZXMvMmZhZmY2MTEtZjRlZi00NDg2LTg2MjQtM2I0OGMxMzZhZjZiLmpwZw



Regular price
NT$ 1,480.00
Sale price
NT$ 1,480.00
Regular price
NT$ 0.00
520持服粉餅—貴婦款 總分: 0 - 0 評價



IWE 持續創新粉餅配方,粉質細膩,打造如貴婦般高端的妝效,展現自然光透的輕盈光澤。這款粉餅支持乾濕兩用,能提供天生好膚質般的自然妝感。


  • 保濕效果: 賦予肌膚水潤感,粉質細膩,使肌膚展現自然內在光彩。
  • 精緻妝效: 創造從肌膚深處透出的自然好膚質效果。
  • 適用膚色: 適合自然膚色、偏白膚色及偏黃(橄欖綠)的白皙膚色。
  • 輕薄絲滑: 粉質輕薄,觸感絲滑,貼合度高,持久不易暗沉,展現輕盈的高端妝效。


  1. 在塗抹隔離防曬霜或妝前乳後使用。
  2. 使用乾燥的海綿、美妝蛋或大粉撲,取適量粉餅均勻塗抹於全臉。
  3. 濕用時,將海綿用無菌水輕輕打濕,擠乾多餘水分,然後取粉餅塗於臉上。
  4. 建議搭配 IWE 專屬的美妝蛋或大粉撲,以達到更服貼、均勻的效果。


520 Long-Wear Powder Foundation

IWE continually refines its powder formula to deliver a luxurious makeup finish with a natural, translucent glow. This dual-use powder provides multiple functions, creating a makeup look that resembles naturally flawless skin.

Product Features:

  • Moisturizing Effect: Provides hydration and a delicate radiance from the powder itself.
  • Refined Makeup Look: Creates a polished appearance with a naturally good skin texture.
  • Suitable Skin Tones: Ideal for natural skin tones, fair skin, and yellowish (olive green) fair skin.
  • Lightweight and Silky: Offers a lightweight, silky texture with high adherence, long-lasting wear, and resistance to dullness, providing a premium finish.

Instructions for Use:

  1. Apply after sunscreen or makeup primer.
  2. Use a dry sponge, makeup sponge, or large powder puff to apply an appropriate amount evenly over the face.
  3. For wet use, dampen the sponge with sterile water, gently squeeze out excess water, and apply the powder to the face.
  4. For best results, use IWE’s exclusive makeup sponge or large powder puff for a more even and adherent application.

