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IWE 女神豬油膏

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NT$ 880.00
Sale price
NT$ 880.00
Regular price
NT$ 880.00
IWE 女神豬油膏 總分: 0 - 0 評價

女神專用豬油膏 2017ae531049c88e3a48f6b19d8cecb4


  • 無防腐劑配方:溫和安全,適合兒童使用。
  • 主要成分:乳油木果脂、角鯊烷、荷荷芭油、蜂蠟、維他命E、油甘草。
    • 油甘草:具抗菌、抗氧化、消炎、亮白、改善暗沉及延緩肌膚老化的功效。


  • 為肌膚提供潤澤打底,增加保水性和柔軟度,讓肌膚更加平滑細膩,方便上妝。


  • 可與粉底混合,增強妝感服貼度,展現自然光澤。
  • 也可搭配精萃油使用,增添保濕與亮澤效果。

⚠️ 注意事項

  • 質地軟硬度會隨氣溫變化:天冷變硬,天熱變軟,屬正常現象。
  • 使用中若出現微小顆粒或顏色變淺,均屬正常,不影響產品效果。


  1. 妝前潤澤:化妝前,作為保養程序的最後一步使用,提供鎖水保濕功效。
  2. 粉底搭配:將粉底與豬油膏混合使用,讓妝容更服貼、更透亮。
  3. 精萃油混合:與精萃油調和使用,提升保養效果,讓肌膚更細緻。

💡 用量少許即可,適量使用可達最佳效果。


  • 乳油木果脂:滋潤保濕,修護乾燥肌膚。
  • 角鯊烷:提升肌膚彈性與鎖水力。
  • 荷荷芭油:保濕舒緩,不阻塞毛孔。
  • 蜂蠟:鎖住水分,形成天然保護膜。
  • 維他命E:抗氧化,延緩肌膚老化。
  • 油甘草:亮白抗炎,改善暗沉,保護肌膚。

女神專用豬油膏 成為您的美妝必備,解決乾燥、脫妝、妝容不服貼等困擾,讓您隨時保持神采奕奕!


Goddess-Exclusive Lard Balm

Perfect for Pre-Makeup and Post-Makeup Use – Double the Effectiveness!

  • Preservative-Free Formula: Gentle and safe, suitable even for children.
  • Key Ingredients: Shea butter, squalane, jojoba oil, beeswax, vitamin E, and licorice root extract.
    • Licorice Root Extract: Offers antibacterial, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, brightening, anti-dullness, and anti-aging benefits.

Pre-Makeup Use:

  • Provides hydration and creates a smooth base, enhancing skin's moisture retention and softness for easier makeup application.

Post-Makeup Use:

  • Mix with foundation to improve adherence and achieve a radiant, natural glow.
  • Combine with essence oil for additional hydration and brightness.

⚠️ Important Notes:

  • The balm's texture changes with temperature: firmer in cold weather and softer in warm weather—this is normal.
  • Slight granules or lightened color over time are natural and do not affect product quality.

How to Use:

  1. Pre-Makeup Hydration: Use as the final step of your skincare routine for optimal moisture and a smooth makeup base.
  2. Foundation Mix: Blend with foundation for a flawless and luminous finish.
  3. With Essence Oil: Mix with essence oil to enhance skincare benefits and refine skin texture.

💡 Use only a small amount each time to achieve the best results.

Ingredient Highlights:

  • Shea Butter: Deeply moisturizes and repairs dry skin.
  • Squalane: Improves skin elasticity and locks in moisture.
  • Jojoba Oil: Hydrates and soothes without clogging pores.
  • Beeswax: Locks in moisture and forms a natural protective barrier.
  • Vitamin E: Antioxidant properties help delay signs of aging.
  • Licorice Root Extract: Brightens skin, reduces inflammation, and protects against dullness and aging.

Goddess-Exclusive Lard Balm is your ultimate beauty essential, addressing dryness, uneven makeup, and dullness. Achieve a radiant, flawless look and keep your skin glowing all day long!

